Whole Foods Gives Amazon a new Digital Edge
While much of the focus on Amazon’s massive acquisition of Whole Foods Markets has been on what many believe is a move into broader retail footprint and its ongoing attack on consumer margins , the reality is that this acquisition is about locality and Amazon extending its Digital Edge. First off, what is the Digital Edge? It’s a shift nearly every business is going through to better embrace its customer base where they live and how they want things. Started in the dawn of the web era, reaching a broad market of geographically dispersed customers was not well accomplished simply by being on the Internet. To deliver a strong customer experience you needed to get your content as close to your customer as possible, as quickly as possible. And this was only achieved, at the time, via a content delivery network, like Akamai. As we shifted to mobile applications and continue to shift to more real-time interactions with clients, caching static content at the edge isn’t good en...