Make addressing emerging market changes a priority for your tech-driven innovation efforts

If your firm strives to be Customer Obsessed then a key focus should be on addressing emerging customer needs and challenges. Sadly, where and how they can live is rising fast as a global concern. As noted in my new Forrester report on the importance and impact of Moonshot innovations , I mentioned that part of your focus should be on emerging customer needs and issues. One of those issues that is clearly rising across the globe is climate change. As noted last week by David Randall in the Los Angeles Times , the longer, hotter summer weather patterns being experiences in LA, Houston, New York and other cities could bring the Bubonic Plague back to the largest cities in the world. This climate change is extending the breeding season of rats, squirrels and rodents and leading to their significant increase in numbers. According to rodent control consultant Bobby Corrigan, in the last 10 years this has raised their urban population by 15-20 percent. These animals increas...